New Life Zambia Welcomes You!

New Life Zambia

New Life Zambia is a Christian ministry in Zambia located in central Africa, just south of the equator. The New Life Center helps facilitate a development ministry to equip believers to respond to the Great Commission. This is done by training people to be leaders in their community in areas of spiritual education and community health development. Some areas of focus are training in evangelism, discipleship, skills training, church development, and prevention of basic diseases. New Life Zambia also offers free education classes to orphaned and vulnerable children to help them pass secondary school exams, runs a campus preschool, and offers computer classes. We also provide mobility to the disabled. To learn more check out the other areas of our website. For more information on how to support us, click here.

New Life Center’s Areas of Focus

New Life Center in Zambia - Evangelism


New Life Center in Zambia - Bible Study


New Life Center in Zambia - Discipleship

Church Development

Teaching Skills


Community Health Evangelism

Mobility for the Disabled

New Life Center in Zambia - Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention

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Support New Life Zambia

Our programs are only possible through the kind support of people just like you who see the value in doing God’s work through a Christian ministry. You can make donations safely and securely using the PayPal button. For other giving options, click here.